Research Facilities and Library Resources
The research laboratories in the Health Sciences Centre at McMaster are well-supported and augmented by those in associated institutions located in Hamilton, e.g. the Hamilton Civic Hospitals Research Centre, the Father Sean O'Sullivan Research Centre and the Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre.

A number of well-equipped on-campus facilities are available for faculty use (on- or off-campus) on a cost-recovery basis:
- Central facility of the Institute for Molecular Biology which provides important services to faculty using molecular biological techniques, including oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis and automated DNA sequencing
- Central Animal Facility
- Central Analytical Facility
- Occupational & Environmental Health Laboratory
- Electron Microscope (and Confocal Light Microscope) Facility
- Computer Services Unit.
The Health Sciences Library is well-endowed with 2047 periodicals and 62,000 monograph volumes. All major journals in the biomedical sciences are available for use by faculty and students as well as 300 journal titles in the hospital libraries in Hamilton. The University's libraries on-line holdings catalogue, MORRIS, may be accessed at the library, at the office or remotely. The Health Library Network, which includes all the Hospital libraries in Hamilton, circulates library materials including journals and photocopies of articles usually within 24 hours. CD ROM Databases, particularly MEDLINE, are available in the Health Sciences Library and the Henderson General Hospital Library. 'HSLinks' provides on-line access to these databases from offices and labs (by ethernet) or from home (by modem). In addition, many journals, e.g. the Journal of Biological Chemistry, are now available on-line.
Seminar series with external and internal speakers are organized by various informal and formal groups of Medical Sciences research faculty. These groups include the Infection and Immunity Program, the Smooth Muscle Research Program, Intestinal Disease Research Program, the Vascular Biology Research Group and the Institute for Molecular Biology. Graduate students are expected to attend and to present their work at these seminar sessions.