How to Apply
All potential MD/PhD students need to apply to Ontario Medical School Application Services (OMSAS). Candidates must also apply to McMaster's School of Graduate Studies. The graduate studies admissions portal for MD/PhD applicants will open September 1, 2021.
Highly ranked applicants will be invited to an MD/PhD interview which is a multiple mini interview (MMI) in format. Applicants invited to an interview should begin to contact graduate faculty early to identify research areas of interest and potential supervisors. The MD/PhD Program can assist in this process. Your MD/PhD interview will cover your research interests and special qualities that will make you a successful clinician scientist. Students may want to take this opportunity to meet with potential PhD supervisors before or after their MD/PhD interviews.
- Offers for an interview with the McMaster MD/PhD program are based on your GPA, MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning score, your CASPer results, and evidence of research success based on your submitted CV.
- The interview consists of a 12 station MMI which will assess your suitability for a career as a clinician scientist, along with the attributes necessary to become an excellent physician.
- Application form and application fee
- One official transcript of academic work completed to date
- Two academic references: It is recommended that applicants seek their references from professors who can judge their qualifications in science and practical lab training. Ideally, the references should be obtained from their supervisors of thesis projects or work experience in the laboratory. Reference letters from non-science disciplines are discouraged. Because of the research focus, these letters will be different from the MD Program application letters.
- Research Questionnaire and Statement of Interest which focuses on MD/PhD training and your eventual career as a clinician scientist
- Curriculum vitae which should clearly outline your research involvement and success including any publications, research awards, and presentations.
- Evidence of proficiency in English (i.e. TOEFL, IELTS, MELAB) if applicable