Health Screening Information
Learners in Faculty of Health Sciences health professional programs and learners in non-professional programs with courses which include clinical activities are required to understand and comply with the Faculty of Health Sciences health screening requirements. All health screening documentation must be reviewed and cleared by the Health Screening Office.
For detailed requirements refer to FHS Health Screening Requirements.
Undergraduate/Graduate Health Professional Programs:
Learners in the following health professional programs must complete the requirements on the Year One Health Screening Record form by July 15 of their incoming year and the Annual Tuberculosis (TB) Screening form annually by July 31 for returning students as part of the non-academic requirements for their program:
- Child Life & Pediatric Psychosocial Care
- Midwifery Education
- Nursing (Undergraduate and Graduate)
- Occupational Therapy
- Physician Assistant Education
- Physiotherapy
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Undergraduate Medical Education
Incoming learners: for more information click here.
Returning learners: for more information click here.
Postgraduate Medical Education:
PGME learners must submit the McMaster Postgraduate Medical Education Health Screening Record form AND be cleared by the Health Screening Office before they may register for their program
For more information click here.
Non-Professional Health Sciences Programs:
Learners enrolled in courses which include interaction with patients in a clinical setting or patients as research subjects must complete the requirements on the Non-Professional Health Screening Record form. Returning learners may be required to complete the Annual Tuberculosis (TB) Screening form. Learners are notified if either of these are required for the course.
Helpful Links
- Public Health Ontario Routine Practices Fact Sheet
- Tuberculosis Information
- Hepatitis B Immunization & Serology Info for HCP
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Questions or concerns about the Health Screening Record, or other health screening requirements can be directed to:
Health Screening Office
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West; HSC 3H46
Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1
Telephone: 905-525-9140 ext 22249 or 28639
Confidential Fax: 905-528-4348
COVID-19 Vaccination:
A primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine now forms part of the FHS mandatory health screening requirements.
Medical and Non-Medical Exemptions
For information on requesting a medical or non-medical exemption for mandatory health screening requirements please contact the Health Screening Office at
Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance:
Undergraduate/Graduate Health Professional Programs: In addition to baseline tuberculin skin testing (TST) and annual TB risk assessment, continuing TB surveillance is required throughout the program. Learners must report to the Health Screening Office if previous negative TST converts to positive, or if diagnosed with active TB.
Influenza immunization (flu shot):
Immunization with seasonal influenza vaccine (or documentation supporting a valid medical exemption) is a mandatory requirement for all health professional programs, and for visiting electives and non-professional Health Sciences courses with clinical placements between November and June. For more information click on: Influenza Information
Student Wellness Centre (SWC):
The SWC provides primary care services including assistance with completing the requirements on the Health Screening Record to students, provided they have been assigned a student number.
Book an appointment early to ensure your deadlines are met. To learn more or to make an appointment, call 905-525-9140 ext 27700 or see
Occupational Health & Safety
The Faculty of Health Sciences is committed to promoting occupational health and safety for its learners and facilitating appropriate support for learners who become injured or exposed to infectious or environmental hazards during the course of their studies or clinical training. Learners must complete mandatory occupational health and safety education modules. Learners are also responsible for reporting injuries and exposure to or infection with communicable diseases which occur during their program.
For more information click HERE
To report an incident or injury, click on ReportIt Incident Reporting tab on left side bar.
FHS Guidelines & Policies
Note: the following documents are currently scheduled for update.
- Communicable Diseases and Occupational Health Guidelines for Students in FHS Health Professional Programs
- FHS Workplace Injury and Exposure to Infectious/Environmental Hazards in the Clinical Setting for Learners
- Guidelines for the Support of Learners During Clinical Placements in the Faculty of Health Sciences of McMaster University During a Pandemic or Localized Outbreak