Forms and Submission
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy
Postgraduate Medicine
Health Professional Program
Non-Professional Health Sciences Program
Returning Upper Year Students
Health Screening Update Forms
General Information
- Blood Borne Viruses Information
- Hepatitis B Immunization & Serology
- Hepatitis B Non-Immune Information Sheet
- Pertussis Vaccine (Tdap) Information
- Positive TB Information Sheet
- Tuberculosis (TB)
Other Health & Safety
How to Submit your Documentation
Once you have completed your forms/documentation retain the originals for your files and submit copies to the FHS Health Screening Office in one of three ways:
- Preferred method is electronically via Sharefile** (secure document collection) using the following: link:
[Upload documents here]
NOTE: Scan your forms as a single JPEG or PDF (not heic) document and save your file as "last name, first name, Program". For example:
"Brown, Lara AccNursing"
If uploading multiple documents save them with the same file name and then number them. For example:
"Brown, Lara AccNursing1"
"Brown, Lara AccNursing2"
Enter your program name under "company" on the upload page.
- Confidential Fax: 905-528-4348
- In Person / Mail copies only:
McMaster FHS Health Screening
1280 Main Street West, HSC 3H46
Hamilton ON L8S 4K1
Att: Patricia Hartnett
REVIEW RESPONSE TIMES: The initial review and response to a Health Screening Record submission may take up to 2 weeks to complete and resubmissions up to 5 business days.
**Citrix ShareFile uses industry-standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of information; note that no method of transmission over the internet is fully secure. For more information, see: