Practice-Eligibility Route (PER) to Certification
The Royal College is pleased to offer a new route to certification for Pain Medicine, for specialists who did their subspecialty training before accredited training programs existed: the Practice Eligibility Route for Subspecialists (PER-sub). Please note there are slightly different criteria for those who have been in practice for 1-5 years versus those in practice for greater than 5 years.
Process for PER-sub Applications
Cohort 1: Applicant must have completed five (5) years of practice in Pain Medicine (the last two years of this period should have been in practice in Canada). Practice in Pain Medicine is defined as having at least 60 hours in a four (4)-week period for acute/chronic/cancer pain including research, education and/or administrative activities.
The following documents will be required for each applicant:
- Scope of practice
- Proof of valid unrestricted license
- Registered in Maintenance of Certificate (MOC) program
- Two referee reports
- Comprehensive Competency Report (CCR), signed by two (2) specialty committee assessors.
Cohort 2: In practice between 1 year to 5 years. Applicants must be in practice in Canada for a minimum of one year at their current practice location at the time they apply for certification via PER-sub.
Proof of completion of training that is equivalent in length to the requirements set out in the new subspecialty’s Specialty Training Requirements (STR).
The Pain Medicine Specialty Committee developed specific assessment criteria corresponding to the unique nature of Pain Medicine. Fellows can now complete a specialty-specific application and submit it to the Credentials Unit for review. When the Credentials Unit has approved these documents, which include scope-of-practice information and multi-source feedback, specialty committee assessors will review them. Approval by the specialty committee means that eligibility to the certification examination is then granted.
Detailed information on the PER-sub process, as well as all application documents, can be found on the website at: Royal College PER-sub process
To be considered for the 2018 examination, the application deadline is August 30, 2017. The deadline for the 2017 examination is closed. The current application fee is $865.00. The Royal College looks forward to assisting you through to certification.
Royal College documents:
- Practice Eligibility Route to Certification for Subspecialists (PER-sub) - Criteria
- Practice Eligibility Route to Certification for Subspecialists (PER-sub) — Scope of Practice (Pain Medicine)
- Practice Eligibility Route to Certification for Subspecialsits (PER-sub) — Referee Verification (RV) (Pain Medicine)
- The Comprehensive Competency Report will be completed by your referees and then reviewed by the Specialty Committee assessors.
- Practice Eligibiity Route to Certification for Subspecialists (PER-sub) — Comprehensive Competency Report (CCR)- (Pain Medicine)
Le Collège royal a le plaisir d'offrir une nouvelle voie d'accès à la certification en Médecine de la douleur à ceux qui ont effectué leur formation surspécialisée avant la mise en place de programmes de formation agréés dans cette discipline : la Route d’évaluation par la pratique (REP) pour les surspécialistes.
Le comité de spécialité en Médecine de la douleur a établi des critères d’évaluation qui correspondent à la nature particulière de Médecine de la douleur. Les Associés peuvent désormais remplir un formulaire de demande pour cette spécialité et le soumettre à l’examen de l’Unité des titres. Lorsque celle-ci aura approuvé les documents, qui comprennent des informations sur le champ de pratique et la rétroaction multisources, les évaluateurs du comité de spécialité les examineront. Si l’examen est positif, l’admissibilité à l’examen de certification est confirmée.
Vous trouverez des renseignements détaillés sur le processus de la REP pour les surspécialistes ainsi que tous les formulaires de demande à Royal College PER-sub process.
Au plaisir de vous aider tout au long du parcours menant à la certification!