Payment Form                                


For Individual/Couple/Family services


First name: ______________Last name: __________________________Tel. N. _______________

Address: _______________________________________E-mail (optional) ____________________



For organizations/HR services


Name of the company ___________________________________Number of people involved _____

First name of the contact person: ______________Last name: ______________________________

Position __________________Company’s address: _______________________________________

Tel. N. of contact person ______________E-mail ________________________________


You would like to book (please mark):


    Rate /hour

    Min. payment required

    Individual counseling or psychological assessment session



    Couple or family counseling or psychological assessment session



    Psychological Service for management



    Workshop for management (please indicate the topic) ______________________________________________

    $30 pp


    Psychological Service for employees



    Workshop for employees (please indicate the topic) ______________________________________________

    $25 pp


    Group therapy course, 8 weeks (please, indicate the course):________________________________________



    Parenting counseling course, 4 weeks (please indicate the children’s age group, which you are interested in): ___________




Payment enclosed by:


 * VISA: Number ______________________________ Exp. date ____________________

               Name on the card _______________________ Signature: ___________________


  * Check payable to Psychological Services for  $______________________

Mail this form with your payment to:

Psychological Services,

92 Bowman St., Hamilton,

ON, Canada L8S 2T6.